Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a wild shrub in the mint family with many nutritional benefits.
Benefits of Hyssop:
- Defends the body against infections
- Relieves respiratory conditions such as Bronchitis, Asthma
- Eliminates parasites in the gastrointestinal tract
- Used to treat intestinal and digestive problems such as Liver an Gall bladder conditions
- Provides relief from intestinal pain, gas, colic
- Increases circulation, which improves oxygenation throughout the body
- Boosts immunity
- Optimizes digestion
- Reduces the pain and discomfort of insect bites and stings
- Lowers blood pressure
- Calms anxiety and stress
- Functions as a diuretic
- Rich in antioxidants
- Antiviral
- Expectorant and cough reliever
- Treats Bronchitis and Sinus infections
- Contains Iodine, Carotene, Choline and various Terpenes
Enjoy as a tea or in a tincture.
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